lunes, 28 de agosto de 2017

Explaining the themes from A View From the Bridge

I choosed 3 themes from "A View From the Bridge" and explain them by recording my voice in my character. I choosed "Sex", "Hopes and Dreams" and "Betrayal"

miércoles, 23 de agosto de 2017

Viendo un fémur más de cerca

Para entender un poco mejor como funciona diseccionamos un fémur de vaca que es muy similar al humano cortando lo por la mitad a lo largo. Para registrar el procedimiento hice una presentación junto con Olivia y Trinidad. 

domingo, 20 de agosto de 2017

Games At Twilight's Cartoon

We read a Story called "Games at Twilight" in our book Stories of Ourselves and we had to summarize the story with some relevant quotations, and with that quotations then create a storyboard, this is mine.

Made with Storyboard That