lunes, 30 de abril de 2018

The 2nd World War

We alreay saw the causes and concequences of the Second World War, so I did a presentation with Trinidad about the war from 1939 to 1945, enjoy:

sábado, 28 de abril de 2018

Tropical cyclones?

A tropical cyclone is a A tropical cyclone is a rapidly rotating storm system characterized by a low-pressure center, a closed low-level atmospheric circulation, strong winds, and a spiral arrangement of thunderstorms that produce heavy rain. Depending on it´s location a tropical cyclone can be called by different names, for example in Europe, Oceania and the eastside of Africa and Asia they are called cyclones, in america they are called hurricanes and in the west side of Africa and Asia they are called Tryphones. Meteorologist have a system for naming hurricanes, they develop a list of names that are assigned in an alphabetical order as they are discovered in each season, that makes much easier to communicate about specific cyclones.There are six list,one per year so after six ear a name can be repeated, although the names of specifically severe hurricanes are permanently retired from use. Also the female names are deadlier than male names.
 For tropical cyclones to form there has to be some specific conditions, like the location has to be within the tropics, which means a tropical climate (wet and hot all year long, little temperature range, little variation in length of daylight, usually 12 hours day and 12 hours night and convectional rainfall) at the end of summer/ beginning of autumn and the climate has to be very humid, for water to originate, and the sea temperature has to be at it maximum (at least 27° C). Whit these characteristics warm and wet air rises, it condenses to form towering clouds and heavy rainfall. It also creates a low pressure zone near the surface of the water. Rising warm air causes the pressure to decrease at higher altitudes. Warm air is under a higher pressure than cold air, so moves towards the space occupied by the colder, lower pressure, air. So the low pressure sucks in air from the warm surroundings, which then also rises. A continuous upflow of warm and wet air continues to create clouds and rain. Air that surrounds the low pressure zone at the centre flows in a spiral at very high speeds, anti-clockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere.
 There are stronger and weaker cyclones and there is a scale called the Saffir-Simpson scale that calificates them with numbers form 1 (weak)
 to 5 (strong).
  • 1 = Here the damage is minimal, an example is the one called Earl
  • 2 = In number 2 the damage is moderated, like in hurricane George
  • 3 = The damage in this level is extensive, for example Fran
  • 4 = Number 4 means and extreme damage, an example is Andrew
  • 5 = In the last level the damage is catastrophic like Katrina, wich was so severe that was removed from the list of names. 

Every tropical cyclone has effects in the society, but it depends on the economic development and in the level of the tropical cyclone. There are short term effects and long term effects.

SHORT TERM: Destruction, floods, collapses of buildings, electricity.
LONG TERM: Damage of crops, Damage on industries that then causes unemployment, reparations, polluted water, diseases.

There are satellites that see the movement of air and predict tropical cyclones despite there are some strategies to prevent tropical cyclones like, having radios that work with batteries in case there is no light to be informed, drills, evacuation methods or stay indoors with the necessary supplies.

miércoles, 25 de abril de 2018

Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la leucemia

Buscando una noticia de actualidad teníamos que hacer un trabajo de Biología y si era posible relacionarlo con los temas vistos en Salud y Adolescencia, yo elegí hacerlo sobre la leucemia.

 La leucemia es un tipo de cáncer presente en la sangre. Las células cancerosas de este impiden a los glóbulos blancos y rojos reproducirse sanamente, entonces se pueden presentar síntomas como palidez, cansancio y el paciente puede ser más propenso a hemorragias e infeccione, ya que los glóbulos son los que se encargan de transportar el oxígeno y dióxido de carbono al todo el cuerpo, también le dan el color rojo a la sangre y combaten infecciones o enfermedades. Otros síntomas son fiebre, decaimiento, sudores nocturnos, pérdida de eso y pérdida de apetito. 
 Las principales causas son defectos en el sistema inmunológico, Irradiación radiactiva y rayos x, ciertos medicamentos, productos químicos y causas genéticas. 
 La leucemia presente en los niños es la llamada leucemia aguda, ya que las células son especiales y se reproducen a una velocidad muy elevada. Los adultos pueden padecer tanto de la leucemia aguda como de la crónica, en la cual las células se reproducen más lentamente. 
 La leucemia la mayoría de las veces puede ser curada, mediante cesiones de quimioterapia, aunque puede tener efectos secundarios como vómitos, náuseas  malestar general, inflamación mucosa y caída de cabello. Otra forma de curar la leucemia son cesiones de radioterapia, la cual también tiene efectos, como fatiga, náuseas, vómitos diarrea, dolor de cabeza y irritación de la piel y de la membrana mucosa., Transplante de médula ósea y transplante de célula madre son otras formas de curar la leucemia.  
 Actualmente no se conoce ninguna medida de prevención, pero yo recomendaria llevar una vida sana, alimentarse bien, hacer ejercicio, evitar el tabaco y el alcohol, etc. También es recomendable realizarse un análisis de sangre para detectar la enfermedad cuando no este tan desarrollada. 

Fuentes consultadas: MedlinePlus , 

viernes, 20 de abril de 2018

Reolución francesa

Junto con Mayra y Luna creamos una presentación explicándola Revolución Francesa en base a un texto que leímos sobre la misma.

Getting ready for our trip

To know  a little more about how to act and what to do in our trip to the United Kingdom we did presentations in groups, with Sofia Ravenna, Mayra Schliemann; Pilar Nieves and Agustina Arostegui we talked about manners in different situations.