viernes, 22 de abril de 2016

Someone Famous

Emma Watson

 Her complete name is Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson. She was born on Paris in 1990 the 15th of april, now she is 26 years old. She lived in Paris since she was 5 years old. When her parents got divorce she moved to Oxford (England) withher mother and brother. She also had another brother called Tobby and two sisters,both twins, named Nina and Lucy and they are daugthers of the second marriage of father. The fist time I saw her was when I was like 7 years oldin a movie I was watching on TV. 
 She has brow short hair, pale skin, light brown eyes, she is very thin and 1,66 mm tall,she is medium-heigh. In my opinion she is very nice. She doesn't have any tatoo or piercing.
 She is a very good person. She always makes charities, she is very inteligentand a very good actress.Apart from acting she had studies and she graduated. She is and actress, model and phylantropologist.
When she was little she used to play hockey, she also danced. She was interested in phylantropology so she studies and graduated.
She won a lat of awards, like Otto's awards in 2003, 2004, 2005,2006, National Films award, In the Kids Choice Awards in 2007 and 2012. and many others but the last she won was in 2013 in the MTV awards the trailblazer award. So in my opinion Emma Watson is a very goos person, and artist. Ireally admire her.

The Phoenix

Here is a presentation of a book we read called "The Phoenix". We did a presentation about it in pairs, here is mine:

domingo, 17 de abril de 2016

Definitions of EM

1. Write a definition for the followin conceps and add an image to clarify your explanations.
-Ocean trenches
-Mid ocean ridge
-San Andreas fault
-Formation of islands
-Formation of mountains

Ocean trenches:  Ocean trenches are deep depressions on the seafloor, they are the deepest part of the ocean. In every basin of the planet there are ocean trenches. They are a result of tectonic activity.

Mid-Ocean ridge: A mid-ocean ridge is an underwater mountain, this is create when currents rise under the seafloor and create magma where tectonic plates meet.

Fault: Faults are features in the earth where rocks in both sides had slide away from each other . There are 3 types of faults, the strike-slip fault, the reverse dip-slip fault and the normal dip-slip fault.

San Andreas Fault:  San Andreas Fault is the limit between the North American plate and Pacific plate. In 1906 there was an earthquake that left the San Andreas fault as a consequence. It does not go through cities but many communities are sitting ducks

Formation of islands: Volcanic islands are formed by volcanic activity in the seafloor, 
often near the limit between tectonic plates.  Two plates pull apart and lava erupt, 
then layers of lava build up until they protrude up water. 

Formation of mountains: Plates smash together, but one goes under the other, and rocks or slabs are push into the air and a mountain is formed.

sábado, 16 de abril de 2016

Dos en uno, dibujo y poema

La profesora nos pidió que hagamos un caligrama de tema libre, un caligrama es una poesía en forma de dibujo, dejo el mio.

Hoy me cruce con un cato.
Era negro,con ojos grandes y verdes que me miraban con curiosidad.
Sus largos bigotes se movían cuando el rarugaba la nariz.
Luego empezó a llover,
el gato se sacudio y corrio a resguardarse abajo de un auto. Deje de pensar en el pobre animal y segui caminando.

lunes, 11 de abril de 2016

Por que es importante curar contenidos

En la materia de T.I.C la maestra nos pidió como consigna hacer curación de contenidos y con esa información hacer un tablero en Pinterest con un compañero.La curación de contenidos es la selección de información interesante para los usuarios entre todos los contenidos que se publican en internet. Seguir estos pasos es importante porque hay demasiada información sobre cualquier tema y no toda es la que vos necesitas. Aquí les dejo el que hice yo junto con Olivia.
 Estos pines los elegí porque me pareció que tenia información relacionada con el tema de soluciones química.

Sigue el tablero Físico-Química Soluciones de TinyCrespo en Pinterest.

viernes, 1 de abril de 2016