miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2017

Nos manchamos las manos con encéfalo

Fuimos al laboratorio para trabajar con un encéfalo de vaca para luego pode entender el sistema nervioso humano. En grupos de  cuatro teníamos que traer un encéfalo, un bisturí o cutre, guantes y una aguja de disección para poder trabajar en el laboratorio. Después de observarlo y anotar las preguntas y apuntes hicimos una presentacion en parejas, yo la realice con Florencia Ginocchio. 

miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2017

Ma prèsentation personelle

En français nous avons fait un vidèo nous prèsentant notre voix-off. Je 'e fait avec Powtoon.


The one minute talk

In the listening and speaking class with Cani Muslera we were asked to write a text talking about us and our school, but it has to last between 50 seconds and 1 minute because we are practizing for the First Certificate Exam.

miércoles, 17 de mayo de 2017

Our own exange programe

In the Listening and speaking class we were told to create  dialogue in pairs talking about an imaginary exchange program, in this program we had to choose a mate we thought we had a lot in common, Agustina and I choose Florencia. After showing the dialogue to our teacher we record  it, here it is:

martes, 16 de mayo de 2017

FCE-Practce Test 1

For the FCE writing practice we neede o do a letter on return to a friend called David and we had to include in  the first paragraph "No problem", in the second paragraph "Come for longer next time", in the thid paragraph "Yes, please" and in the last one "yes, arrange later". 

Paper 2 Writing
Letter (120-150 words )

Dear David,
  There’s no problem with you staying with us, my family and I enjoyed your visit a lot so you can come back whenever you want. My family really liked you and hopes to see you soon.
  I really liked you staying with me, make sure you come for a longer period of time next time. I’ve shown you a lot of places however I would like you to see some more.
  Yes please, I would love to see those photos and I’m sure m family would too. They really like you and are asking e all the time when you are coming back.
  Sure! I would love to spend more time with you and your family. We will arrange later.
All the best,

We also had to write an essay with our opinion of: 

The young can learn a lot about life from older people. 


 Some people think young could learn a lot from the older; however, it is not always true, and that is what we are going to discuss about in thus essay.
 On the one hand we can say that it is true, young people can learn a lot from the elderly. This is because the older people have more experience, they had live a lot more than children or teenagers; therefore, children and teenagers do not know the same things about life that elder people know. If older people are willing to teach and young people are ready to listen it can be useful. 
  Alternatively and in my opiniion young people can learn from their own experiences . "Elderly" does not necessarily mean they are are wiser than everyone younger than them. Besides many older people learn from kids and teenagers. 
 As a result, young people can learn from older, older can learn from young and older and young both can learn on their own.

Soil conservation

In the EM class we were asked to create a spidermap to explain soil conservation in pairs, I did it with Mayra using prezi. Here is our work:

sábado, 13 de mayo de 2017

Aprendiendo a usar Creative Commons

Esta es una entrada de TICs para practicar los derechos de autor de las imágenes.

Esta imagen fue extraída de flikr del usuario @nicolas con  licencia CC BY 20 

viernes, 12 de mayo de 2017

Hitler's Firts Years

We were asked to do a mindmap in the History class by our teacher Chris Toti, this mindmap talks about Adolf Hitler between the years 1889-1924. Its starts on the left when Hitler was born and continue to the right following the clockwise till he Fougtht the reightag elections for the first time.

jueves, 4 de mayo de 2017

Infografía de la tabla periódica

Con la información del libro realice una infografía de la tabla periódica usando una tabla muda y editandola con thinglink.

miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017

Germany from 1914 to 1929

In History we were asked by our teacher Cris Toti to do a timeline of Germany between the years 1914 and 1929, I did it with line.do.