sábado, 22 de julio de 2017

A part of Games at Twilight

With my group, formed by Lara and Triniddad, we watched a video that talks about the theme, symbolism and the ending of Games at Twilight by Anita Desai called "Games at Twilight Analysis video 4" by Sarah Parker. Here is the video we watched in order to make the presentation and the presentation we delivered later to our classmates and teacher.

viernes, 7 de julio de 2017

Propaganda and Mass Media in Nazi Germany

In order to know more about Nazi Germany we made presentations to explain it, but it was too much to do it in only one presentation so we divide the class in groups with different topics. Toghether with Agutin, Denise, Julian and Azul we made a presentation talking about mass media and propaganda in Nazi Germany.

Cerrando con el Sistema Nerviosos

En forma de cierre de tema, realizamos una presentación  analizando todo lo visto en clase sobre el sistema nervioso humano. Yo trabaje con Florencia y Olivia utilizado Diigo y Genial.ly

miércoles, 5 de julio de 2017

Pour aller a l' église San Gabriel?

Je suis au college Newlands á Adrogue.

-  Pardon, je cherche L´Eglise San Grabriel s'il vous plaît?