viernes, 3 de junio de 2016

Tommy Castelli's prison

We had to write one or more diary entries as if we were Tommy Castelli with at least 200 words for the LL Writing class, here  is mine.

May 10th

                    Dear diary, today it started like a common Monday, he little girl came and asked for the usual coloured tissue paper. I went to look for them, when I returned I gave them to her, she paid and left, like all mondays. It was so boring.

May 17th

                 Dear diary, today the girl came again, asked for the tissue papers and when I tuerned back, she stole two chocolate bars, I gave her the tissue papers, she paid and left. I wanted to tell her to stop doing that because I didn't want her to end like me, but I didn't know how to do it so I wrote in a paper "Dont do that anymore or you will suffer   -A friend" and I put it in the jar. I'm very anxious.

June 1st

                Dear diary, Today I was waiting for the girl to come to see if this time she stole the candy after seeing that so I went

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